Oren Leiman

Discussion with residential client: Should we blow in insulation in an 90 year old stucco house as we might be creating problems around moisture in the walls.

Oren Leiman , nice to see you here! I agree that this situation requires careful thought and assessment before moving forward. These walls have been sitting there for 90+ years, with heat from the interior freely moving through open wall cavities and drying out the backside of a potentially leaky stucco assembly. Blowing insulation into these walls will reduce heat transfer (and air movement behind the stucco assembly) and could cause moisture issues. But it also could be fine... can you tell us more about the situation: 1) what's the integrity of the stucco? does it have a coating? 2) any evidence of interior moisture damage, especially at windows? 3) have you done any exploratory testing to see what things look like from the inside?

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